On Sunday, June 15, I sat with several good friends in Stanford Stadium, surrounded by family and well-wishers, and watched Oprah Winfrey deliver our
The change in my human environment has also been quite abrupt. I am the youngest guy on my boat by over 20 years, and the only college graduate. At this point I'm tempted to invoke all kinds of blue collar stereotypes, yet after one week I've already been reminded of the fact that people, if you allow them to, will always defy the labels
Jim, my skipper, grew up in a fishing family, and spent several years of his boyhood living in Chile, fishing for herring with his father. Later on he went to college, fell in love, and then was drafted to serve in Vietnam. He and his wife got married five days before he went and fought in the bush for a year. He made it back alive to be reunited with his young bride before immediately being shipped off to Germany at the height of the Cold War. He said that when he came back, all he wanted to do was fish, and that's what he's been doing ever since. Even that took it's toll, as he would lose both his brother and his best friend to the ocean. His resilient spirit amazes me. When he mentioned his time in Vietnam I was taken back--he doesn't have the air of several Vietnam vets that I've met. "You fought in Vietnam?" I asked, looking as deep into his eyes as I could. "Yeah," he said, and in that brief moment I saw a cold, deep scar, and realized that the war had taken a piece of him that he would never recover. But you would never guess it. Jim is always cracking jokes, has taken a genuine interest in my studies and future plans, and motivates his crew without being overbearing or abusive. Since he returned to Bellingham to be the skipper of the Yankee Boy at age 26 he has raised four daughters, become a proud grandfather, built a thriving business, and recently invested in over 300 acres of real estate with three other partners. I realize that there is absolutely no room for self-pity with this man, or with Harold and Tim for that matter, and am anxious to learn as much as I can from them in the months ahead. My Stanford education has been awesome, as I anticipate my masters studies at Oxford will be as well, yet in my crew, my captain, the docks, and the Alaskan wildness, I find that there are deep wells of knowledge for me to draw from. This is why I am in this place right now: to rest and work with my hands, but also to learn and solidify lessons that will shape the person I become in the years ahead.
In spite of all that is good about this new season, I know that this will probably be the last time in my life that I'll do anything like this. In the past I've felt conflicted by my desire to work with my hands and my eagerness to use my mind to its fullest potential. I have a lot more clarity on this point now, with my experiences over the past year affirming a direction that leads me away from the docks. I'll always remember these times, however. These men make me simpler, humbler, and stronger.
Once we get our skiff repaired we'll be good to go, so Tuesday is looking like a pretty sure departure date. I hope to have photos of my crew soon enough, along with nature pictures, and details about what this job actually looks like. I'm shooting to have this updated about once a week, but we'll see how realistic that is as the season progresses. I may also start uploading shots to Picassa, if I can find the bandwidth up north. In any case, the next time I post to this blog will be from the Petersburg Public Library!
Glad to hear you are doing well, sounds like alot of fun.
You have the great strength to be weak, the deep wisdom to be simple, and the courage of relationship with the only true God. Enjoy. Dad
:)im so excited for you as you press into all the lessons God has in store for you. take care friend!
Thanks for directing me here - I'm looking forward to checking in on you periodically and vicariously learning all sorts of things from your adventures!
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