Monday, February 16, 2009

on whining

Statistics is tough, and I've been moaning and groaning lately. Today in lab, as I was lamenting my misery, my friend Paulina said "Aaron, te quejas demasiado"--you whine too much.

Thanks for that, Paulina. I am continually amazed by my apparently limitless capacity for self sympathy and ingratitude. My gut reaction is to justify my bad behavior, but I think it's actually more constructive to pause and evaluate. No one forced me into this deal, after all....

The result of 5 seconds reflection? Whine less and work harder. A winning principle for life in general.

One month after Rwanda and I am fully acclimated in all the worst ways to this world of privilege. God can't pour into people who are prideful, unthankful, or whiny--they don't have the eyes to see what's going on or a pure desire to participate in what He's doing.

1 comment:

Mark Polhamus said...

A thankful heart (Phil 4:5-6) in all things is a predicate to appreciating and participating in most that is truly good. I love the idea of Phil 4:6-7 - and my heart and my actions trail my emotional consent by a significant margin.

Learning to love and live, again,